Thursday, November 8, 2012

Retirement-Related Constitutional Amendments Pass

Two pieces of retirement legislation will now become constitutional amendments as a result of the November 6 election. More than 60 percent of voters said yes to Constitutional Amendment No. 3 which provides that all retirement bills that are required to be pre-filed, must be pre-filed on the 45th calendar day prior to the first day of a regular session. Further, public notice of retirement bills must be published at least 60 days prior to their introduction.
Constitutional Amendment No. 5, with support from 70 percent of voters, also passed. This amendment authorizes the forfeiture of all or part of the benefits from a public retirement system as part of a criminal sentence of a public official convicted of a felony associated with and committed during public service. Amendment 5 would apply to those hired, rehired, or elected on or after January 1, 2013. 
Election results for the amendments may be found on the Louisiana Secretary of State website.

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