Thursday, September 3, 2009

Changes coming for state employee merit pay raise system

State Civil Service Chief Shannon Templet on Wednesday outlined five proposals to move Louisiana away from the long-standing system for granting state employees pay raises. Each approach discussed would eliminate the current system.

Any change would affect 61,768 state employees who fall under the Civil Service system. Some could receive less than the 4 percent standard of today, Templet said.

“This is going to be a culture change for state employees,” Templet told the personnel officers of state agencies as she described varying options under review for a more “performance-based, variable pay” system.

Civil Service, state government’s employment agency, hopes to decide between now and Oct. 7 which plan to advance, Templet said.

A public hearing would be held at the state Civil Service Commission’s Nov. 4 meeting on the chosen proposal, with a vote likely to occur then, she said.

If approved by the commission, the recommendation then would go to Gov. Bobby Jindal for his approval, Templet said.

The effective date of any change would be July 1, she said.

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